HUMANITAS REVIEW (ISSN 07804632) is an Open Access (OA) journal containing original high-quality research in themes that pertain to Christian cultural and anthropological matters. The periodical purpose is serving the encounter of faith and culture and so publishes materials which present a contribution within this domain and that go along with its aim and scope. The journal is targeted to a non-expert readership in the field but with a deep interest in these topics.
Even though we are based in Chile the publication has broad international reach.
All submissions should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for consideration and comments of the journal's board.
- The manuscripts should contain the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation and electronic mail(s).
- Authors must notify if their submission was originally a conference paper or has appeared, fully or partially, in another publication.
- Academic articles should be up to 4,000 words. These should come with a non-structured abstract of less than 70 and no more than 150 words and 4 key words.
- Book reviews are also welcome, though often by request, with a maximum length of 800 words.
- All papers should be formatted as Word document.
- All citations should come in footnotes, using the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) recommendations.
- Reproduction Permissions rights: The authors are responsible for obtaining written authorization to publish material which has already been published.